There’s no predicting the transformations that come from ancestral lineage healing work.
Healing my father’s father’s lineage transformed me—wholly unexpectedly—from a writer into a documentary filmmaker (In the Wake of Our Ancestors began filming last year, and we’re on track to complete filming and launch into the wildly creative world of post-production by early next year).
I was so awed by the unique power of this healing work that I also spent 222+ hours over the last nine months in ancestral lineage practitioner training and completed the healing of three more of my lineages. I became a certified practitioner last month, and in the four days that followed that ritualist initiation, I single-handedly revamped my entire website for the first time in eight years.
What’s striking to me about that swift and sudden overhaul is that I’d never updated my website myself, and I’d always felt an overwhelming amount of tech anxiety, even with someone else doing all the website design and technological updates for me.
This time I felt at ease and even strangely exhilarated as I reorganized my site, making new pages and editing others, reading through articles posted over the past decade and updating them where needed, and even adding an online scheduler so you can book an ancestral healing session with me at your convenience. Whenever I got stuck, I simply googled my question and easily taught myself how to do something that used to feel so overwhelming I’d never even considered doing it on my own before.
I can’t really explain how finding ancient ancestral guides and enlisting them to heal entire lineages of ancestors taught me to update my website—they certainly haven’t reported to me that their talents and blessings include tech savviness—but my best guess is that with all that intergenerational trauma lifted and ancestral-lineage disruption resolved, and with thousands of vibrant and helpful ancestors behind me, things that used to feel impossible now feel like a fun creative project.
There are all kinds of other potential benefits from this work:
–Two of my ancestral healing clients have had their relationships with their living mothers unexpectedly and joyfully transformed after healing one ancestral lineage.
–Another client shared with me that since starting this work he’s having a level of ease and flow in his personal and creative life that he was previously unaccustomed to experiencing.
–Others have discovered a kind of support and solace with the ancient ancestors that their living family members have never been able to offer, or developed nourishing relationships with previously estranged parents who have passed.
–Cultural connection is exponentially growing for multiple clients.
–Synchronicities are occurring at an unprecedented pace.
–And chronic emotional pains and heaviness have been lifting in surprising and joyful ways.
Thanks to the support of my own ancestors, you can now read about my clients’ personal experiences of working with me on ancestral lineage healing, learn more about the lineage-healing process, and book your own session with me today.
This site update also gave me a chance to hone my articulation of my Restorative Empathy sessions, share beautiful testimonials from clients who’ve worked with me for years, and give homage to the many talented teachers who have guided me over the past twenty years in creating my own unique approach to supporting people in living their lives fully.
I’m excited to have these two separate but complimentary healing modalities to offer my clients, and I’d love to share the incredible benefits of this work with you.
Much love and empathy,