“I have always felt woefully inadequate when it came to putting into practice my ideals of nonviolence. I am conscientious and patient until stressed, then I fall flat and end up feeling discouraged—often assuming I am just unable, because of genetics or society, to be a peaceful person.
That sense of failure has waned since taking Angela’s class. Not because of some magic-bean cure, but because Angela adeptly guides her groups to a deeper understanding of why we get impatient and what to do about it. It’s not an easy fix, it takes work, and (this horrifies me the most) you CAN’T do it alone. I am a firm believer of therapy and have “done my own work” for years, but Angela’s four-week group brought me more insight and results than I have achieved from ten years of individual talk therapy. I am more excited and hopeful for this world than I have been for many years. Thank you Angela, for following your path.” —Mary, Gather Together Participant
“Working with Angela on the principles of Nonviolent Communication was simply one of the most transformative experiences I’ve had in any organization. It automatically shifted my thoughts on personal responsibility, accountability, and the incredible value of clear and honest communication in the workplace.” —Kristi Black Solwazi, Former Deputy Director, Center for Media Justice
“When I recently happened upon Angela’s self-empathy workshop, I felt as though I had stumbled upon a small pot of gold. I was sure that I was watching a master at work as Angela humbly provided understandable and useful information to our group and followed with compassionate presence and listening, along with skillful and graceful communication to each participant. I felt welcomed, seen, and cared about. There was so much safety and space to be authentic. Angela truly embodies what she teaches and what she shares is of great value and importance–direct, tangible support for upgrading and deepening our ability to become kinder, more loving, and more harmonious in relationship to ourselves and others. I left the experience feeling grateful, inspired, blessed, and excited for more learning and discovery.” —Jacqueline, San Mateo, CA (Wilbur Hot Springs Self-Empathy Workshop Participant)
“I really enjoyed the workshop and felt that I walked away empowered to tackle conversations I’ve been nervous about having (a short-term empowerment), and think more about the best ways to communicate (a long-term empowerment). The workshop was very constructive and practical, which met my needs for purpose and inspiration.”—Jessica, Ann Arbor, MI (Introduction to Nonviolent Communication workshop participant)
“Angela’s workshop helped to show me some of the communication ruts I find myself trapped in quite often—old practices that might not always be the most helpful. I find NVC to be a very refreshing approach to communication that considers the needs and emotions of both speakers and listeners in their constantly changing dynamics.” —Jenny, Ann Arbor, MI (Introduction to Nonviolent Communication workshop participant)